Report Writing Format for Class 12: Topics, and Examples

Report Writing Format for Class 12

Report writing is an essential skill for Class 12 students, as it teaches them how to convey information systematically and formally. Whether for academic purposes, media, or project work, writing a report requires clarity, precision, and adherence to a specific format. CBSE exams often feature report writing, so understanding the structure is important for scoring well.

What is report writing?

Report writing is a formal way of presenting factual information in an organized manner. It is used to communicate details about events, surveys, findings, or incidents. Reports are structured with a clear title, introduction, body, and conclusion, and they focus on delivering objective, unbiased information.

Key Points to Remember

  • Stick to the Format: Ensure that the report follows the correct structure.
  • Be Objective: Reports should be factual, not emotional or subjective.
  • Keep It Concise: Only include what is necessary and directly related to the subject.

What is the format of a report for Class 12 CBSE exams?

A typical report format for Class 12 CBSE exams includes:

  1. Title: A short and precise heading that reflects the content of the report.
  2. Byline: The name of the person writing the report.
  3. Date and Place (if required).
  4. Introduction: Brief overview of what the report is about.
  5. Body: Detailed information about the event or subject in 2-3 paragraphs.
  6. Conclusion: Summary of the report and, if applicable, suggestions or outcomes.

Format of Report Writing for Class 12

  1. Title/Heading
    • The title should clearly indicate the subject of the report. It must be precise and informative.
    • Example: Annual Sports Day Celebration or Survey on Cleanliness in the Locality.
  2. Byline
    • The name of the person writing the report is mentioned here. For Class 12, it can be written as:
      By [Your Name]
    • Example: By Priya Kapoor.
  3. Date
    • The date when the report is written. Usually, it appears on the left-hand side before starting the content.
  4. Place
    • The place where the report is being written (if necessary), particularly in reports about incidents or events.
  5. Introduction
    • The introduction gives an overview of the event or subject. It should provide key information such as what, when, where, and why, briefly.
  6. Body
    • The body is where the details of the report are elaborated. It is often divided into paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect, such as the sequence of events, observations, or findings.
    • The body should be factual and unbiased.
  7. Conclusion
    • The conclusion summarizes the report and can include suggestions or outcomes if applicable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Report

  1. Understand the Purpose:
    The first step in report writing is to understand why you are writing the report. Ask yourself: Is it about an event, survey, incident, or experiment? What is the main purpose of the report?
  2. Plan the Structure:
    A report follows a fixed structure. Here’s how to plan your report:
    • Title: Choose a title that is brief but clearly reflects the subject of the report.
    • Byline: Add your name (or “By [Your Name]” if submitting for a class assignment).
    • Date and Place: Add the date and location, particularly when reporting events or incidents.
    • Introduction: Write an introductory paragraph summarizing what the report is about. It includes key details like what happened, when, where, and why.
    • Body: This is the heart of the report, where you provide detailed information about the subject. Break this section into paragraphs, each covering a different aspect of the topic.
    • Conclusion: End with a conclusion that summarizes the report and may offer suggestions, outcomes, or insights.
  3. Do Your Research:
    If the report is based on an event or survey, collect all the necessary details. Make sure you have facts, figures, or observations that are relevant to your report.
  4. Start Writing:
    Follow the format and keep your writing objective, clear, and concise. Write in the third person (unless otherwise instructed) and avoid personal opinions unless they are required.

Common Topics for Report Writing in Class 12

  • A School Annual Day Celebration
  • Blood Donation Camp Organized by Your School
  • Road Safety Week Celebration
  • Tree Plantation Drive in Your School
  • Inter-School Sports Competition
  • Science Exhibition in School
  • Debate Competition Organized in Your School
  • Impact of a Cleanliness Drive in Your Locality
  • Flood Relief Camp at a Nearby Village
  • Visit to an Old Age Home

Example of Writing a Report

Format suitable for Class 12 students as per CBSE guidelines.

Example 1: Report on School Annual Day Celebration

Title: Annual Day Celebration at ABC School
Byline: By Rahul Gupta
Date: 20th December 2023
Place: New Delhi

The Annual Day celebration at ABC School was held on 18th December 2023 with great enthusiasm and excitement. The event took place in the school auditorium and was attended by students, teachers, parents, and several dignitaries. The Chief Guest for the day was Mr. Ramesh Kumar, a prominent educationist.

The program started at 10 a.m. with a welcome speech by the Principal, who highlighted the school’s achievements throughout the year. This was followed by a series of cultural performances, including classical dances, skits, and musical renditions, all performed by the students. The highlight of the event was a drama performed by the senior students, which conveyed a strong social message about environmental conservation.

The Chief Guest, in his address, appreciated the efforts of the students and teachers. He also emphasized the importance of holistic education and encouraged students to take part in co-curricular activities along with academics.

The event concluded with the prize distribution ceremony, where students excelling in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities were awarded trophies and certificates. The vote of thanks was delivered by the Head Boy, expressing gratitude to all the attendees and participants.

The Annual Day celebration was a grand success, leaving everyone with unforgettable memories. The event not only showcased the students’ talents but also provided a platform for learning and enjoyment.

Example 2: Report on Blood Donation Camp Organized by School

Title: Blood Donation Camp at XYZ School
Byline: By Anjali Mehta
Date: 10th January 2024
Place: Mumbai

A blood donation camp was organized by XYZ School on 9th January 2024 in collaboration with the Red Cross Society. The camp aimed to raise awareness about the importance of donating blood and to contribute to the local blood bank.

The camp began at 9 a.m. in the school hall. A team of doctors and nurses from the Red Cross Society set up the required equipment and ensured that the process was conducted smoothly. The students, staff, and even parents came forward enthusiastically to donate blood. In total, 150 units of blood were collected during the day.

Before the donation, all donors underwent basic health checkups, including tests for blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, and body weight. The doctors also briefed them about the benefits of blood donation and the precautions to be taken after donating.

The Principal appreciated the students for volunteering and encouraged more participation in such noble causes. Refreshments were provided to all donors after the donation to help them recover quickly.

The blood donation camp was a commendable initiative that helped create awareness about the importance of blood donation. The event was a great success, thanks to the joint efforts of the school and the Red Cross Society.

Report on Road Safety Week Celebration

Title: Road Safety Week Celebration at XYZ School
Byline: By Riya Mehta
Date: 15th January 2024
Place: Mumbai

From 10th to 14th January 2024, XYZ School organized a Road Safety Week celebration in collaboration with the local traffic police department. The event aimed to raise awareness among students about the importance of following traffic rules and ensuring road safety.

The Road Safety Week began with an informative session led by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, who emphasized the importance of obeying traffic signals, wearing seatbelts, and avoiding mobile phones while driving. A special workshop was conducted where students were taught basic road signs, pedestrian rules, and the consequences of reckless driving.

On the third day, a road safety rally was held, where students carried placards with safety messages and distributed pamphlets to pedestrians. The rally was followed by a street play performed by students highlighting the risks of underage driving and speeding.

The week concluded with a quiz competition on road safety rules, with students from different classes actively participating. Winners were awarded certificates, and the Principal thanked the local authorities for their support.

The Road Safety Week celebration was a huge success, and it helped in spreading crucial awareness about safe driving habits among students. The school plans to make this an annual event to continue promoting road safety.

Report on Tree Plantation Drive in Your School

Title: Tree Plantation Drive at ABC School
Byline: By Rahul Verma
Date: 5th August 2023
Place: Jaipur

On 4th August 2023, ABC School organized a tree plantation drive in collaboration with the local environmental NGO. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of trees in protecting the environment and mitigating climate change.

The event started with a speech by the school principal, who highlighted the importance of planting trees to combat pollution and conserve biodiversity. Over 200 students from Classes 6 to 12 participated in the drive, and each class was assigned a different area on the school campus to plant saplings.

The school provided saplings of various indigenous species, such as neem, mango, and banyan. Students were taught how to plant and take care of the trees. They also took a pledge to look after the saplings and ensure their growth.

Several teachers and members of the NGO guided the students during the activity. The drive ended with the students feeling a sense of responsibility towards nature.

The tree plantation drive was a great success, with more than 100 saplings planted. It instilled a sense of environmental consciousness in students and emphasized the importance of collective efforts in conserving nature.

Report on Inter-School Sports Competition

Title: Inter-School Sports Competition at XYZ School
Byline: By Priya Sharma
Date: 25th November 2023
Place: New Delhi

An inter-school sports competition was held at XYZ School from 20th to 24th November 2023. The event saw participation from eight schools across the city, competing in various sports, including football, basketball, athletics, and table tennis.

The event was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, a renowned sports personality, who encouraged the students to maintain sportsmanship and aim for excellence in both academics and sports. The competition included both team events, such as football and basketball, and individual events like athletics and table tennis.

XYZ School’s football team emerged victorious in a thrilling final match, while ABC School won the basketball tournament. The individual track events were particularly exciting, with students breaking previous records in the 100m and 400m races.

At the closing ceremony, the winners were awarded medals and trophies. The Principal congratulated all the participants for their efforts and urged them to continue pursuing sports alongside their studies.

The inter-school sports competition was a grand success, promoting physical fitness and teamwork among students. The event not only provided a platform for showcasing talent but also strengthened bonds between the participating schools.

Report on Science Exhibition in School

Title: Annual Science Exhibition at LMN School
Byline: By Akash Gupta
Date: 18th September 2023
Place: Pune

LMN School held its annual Science Exhibition on 17th September 2023, showcasing innovative projects and experiments created by students from Classes 8 to 12. The exhibition aimed to foster creativity and scientific thinking among students.

The exhibition was inaugurated by a renowned scientist from the National Science Center, who appreciated the efforts of the students. The projects covered various topics such as renewable energy, robotics, and environmental conservation. The highlight of the exhibition was a working model of a solar-powered car designed by Class 12 students.

Parents, teachers, and guests were impressed by the level of creativity and understanding displayed by the students. A quiz competition on general science was also organized, where students from different classes participated.

Prizes were awarded to the top three projects, with the first prize going to a project on waste management using biodegradable materials.

The science exhibition was a huge success, encouraging students to think innovatively and apply scientific concepts in practical ways. The school plans to host such exhibitions every year to nurture young minds.

Report on Debate Competition Organized in Your School

Title: Debate Competition at ABC School
Byline: By Neha Singh
Date: 10th August 2023
Place: Bengaluru

A debate competition was held at ABC School on 9th August 2023, where students from Classes 9 to 12 participated. The topic for the debate was “Is Technology a Boon or a Bane?”

The event was judged by three prominent faculty members. The debate saw lively discussions on both sides of the topic, with students presenting well-researched arguments. Some argued in favor of technology, citing its role in advancing society, while others focused on the negative aspects, such as addiction and privacy concerns.

The competition was fierce, with each participant displaying excellent oratory skills. After intense rounds of debating, the judges declared Rohan Sharma from Class 12 as the Best Speaker for his balanced and convincing arguments in favor of technology.

The event ended with the Principal praising all the participants and highlighting the importance of developing debating and public speaking skills.

The debate competition was a great success, with students learning the importance of critical thinking and articulation. The school plans to organize more such events to enhance students’ communication skills.

Report on Impact of a Cleanliness Drive in Your Locality

Title: Cleanliness Drive in Green Park Locality
Byline: By Ananya Verma
Date: 15th July 2023
Place: New Delhi

On 14th July 2023, a cleanliness drive was organized in the Green Park locality by the Residents Welfare Association in collaboration with the Municipal Corporation. The initiative aimed to raise awareness about hygiene and cleanliness.

The drive began early in the morning, with volunteers gathering at the local park. Equipped with gloves, garbage bags, and brooms, they cleaned up the streets, parks, and public spaces. Several students from the local schools participated in the drive, making it a community effort.

The event also involved educating residents about the importance of waste segregation and proper disposal of garbage. Posters and pamphlets were distributed to spread awareness about maintaining cleanliness and reducing waste.

After the drive, noticeable improvements were seen in the cleanliness of the area, with cleaner streets and well-maintained public spaces.

The cleanliness drive was highly successful, creating a positive impact on the community. Residents have pledged to keep their surroundings clean, and similar drives will be conducted regularly.

Report on Flood Relief Camp at a Nearby Village

Title: Flood Relief Camp in Banjara Village
Byline: By Rohan Desai
Date: 5th October 2023
Place: Assam

A flood relief camp was set up in Banjara Village on 3rd October 2023 after heavy rains caused severe flooding in the region. The camp was organized by local authorities with the help of NGOs.

The relief camp provided essential supplies such as food, drinking water, medicines, and clothing to the affected villagers. Medical teams were on-site to treat injuries and prevent the spread of water-borne diseases. Volunteers from nearby towns also helped distribute supplies and set up temporary shelters.

The camp served over 500 displaced villagers, including women, children, and the elderly. The authorities coordinated with rescue teams to evacuate people from flood-affected areas to safer locations.

In addition to basic relief, counseling sessions were arranged to help villagers cope with the trauma of the disaster.

The flood relief camp was a critical lifeline for the affected villagers, providing immediate assistance and support. The local government plans to continue rehabilitation efforts to help the community recover.

Report on Visit to an Old Age Home

Title: Visit to Sunshine Old Age Home
Byline: By Anjali Kapoor
Date: 12th December 2023
Place: Chandigarh

On 11th December 2023, students from Class 12 of XYZ School visited Sunshine Old Age Home as part of their community service program. The visit aimed to spend time with the elderly and bring joy to their lives.

The students arrived at the old age home in the morning and were warmly welcomed by the residents. They spent time interacting with the elderly, listening to their stories, and sharing experiences. The students had prepared cultural performances, including songs and dances, which brought smiles to the faces of the residents.

The visit also included a session where students helped the staff by distributing meals and assisting in small tasks. The residents expressed their happiness and gratitude for the students’ visit, and some even shared words of wisdom with them.

The Principal of the school emphasized the importance of caring for the elderly and encouraged students to continue contributing to society.

The visit to the old age home was a heartwarming experience for both the students and the residents. It fostered a sense of empathy and community service among the students, making it a memorable event.

Tips for Writing a Good Report

  1. Be Objective: A report should be factual and unbiased.
  2. Be Clear and Concise: Use simple and clear language. Avoid unnecessary details.
  3. Use Proper Format: Stick to the structure as outlined (Title, Byline, Date, Place, etc.).
  4. Proofread: Check for grammar, punctuation, and clarity before submitting.
  5. Stay Relevant: Focus on the main event or topic, avoid deviating from it.

When writing a report, especially for academic purposes like Class 12 reports, there are several things you should avoid to ensure clarity, professionalism, and adherence to guidelines. Here’s a list of things to avoid in report writing:

Things to Avoid in Report Writing

  1. Avoid Personal Opinions and Subjectivity
    • What to Avoid: Including personal opinions, emotions, or subjective thoughts unless specifically asked for in a reflective report.
    • Tip: Stick to facts and objective information. Reports should be impartial and unbiased.
  2. Avoid Informal Language or Slang
    • What to Avoid: Using informal language, slang, or casual phrases.
    • Tip: Use formal and professional language. Stick to a neutral tone.
  3. Avoid Repetition
    • What to Avoid: Repeating the same information or points in multiple places.
    • Tip: Keep the content concise and make sure each point is made only once.
  4. Avoid Exaggeration
    • What to Avoid: Exaggerating facts, figures, or the significance of an event.
    • Tip: Provide factual and accurate information. Reports should be based on real data or observations.
  5. Avoid Unnecessary Details
    • What to Avoid: Including too many details that are irrelevant to the topic or purpose of the report.
    • Tip: Focus on the main aspects of the event or subject. Avoid digressing into unrelated topics.
  6. Avoid First-Person or Second-Person Pronouns
    • What to Avoid: Writing in the first person (I, we) or second person (you).
    • Tip: Write in the third person (he, she, it, they). For example, instead of writing “I believe,” write “It is believed.”
  7. Avoid Lack of Structure
    • What to Avoid: Writing without a clear structure or logical flow of ideas.
    • Tip: Stick to the standard format of title, byline, date, place, introduction, body, and conclusion.
  8. Avoid Overly Long Sentences
    • What to Avoid: Writing long, complicated sentences that are difficult to follow.
    • Tip: Use clear, concise sentences. Break long sentences into shorter, manageable ones.
  9. Avoid Jargon or Technical Terms (Unless Necessary)
    • What to Avoid: Using too many technical terms or jargon that your readers may not understand.
    • Tip: Keep the language simple and clear. If you must use technical terms, explain them briefly.
  10. Avoid Plagiarism
    • What to Avoid: Copying someone else’s work or information without proper acknowledgment.
    • Tip: Always write in your own words and give credit where necessary. Do not lift sentences or ideas from other reports or sources.
  11. Avoid Grammar and Spelling Errors
    • What to Avoid: Submitting a report with grammar or spelling mistakes.
    • Tip: Proofread your work carefully. Use grammar and spell check tools, and read your report aloud to catch errors.
  12. Avoid Skipping Important Details
    • What to Avoid: Leaving out crucial information such as dates, figures, or names that are relevant to the report.
    • Tip: Be thorough and ensure all the necessary details are included for a complete understanding of the subject.
  13. Avoid Unclear or Vague Statements
    • What to Avoid: Making vague statements that are open to interpretation or unclear.
    • Tip: Be specific. Back your statements with data, facts, or direct observations.

Questions – 

How should I write the introduction of a report?

In the introduction, you should briefly mention the purpose of the report, including what the report is about, when the event or incident happened, where it took place, and why it is significant. Keep it concise and to the point.

Can I use personal opinions in a report?

No, reports are meant to be objective and fact-based. Personal opinions should be avoided unless the report specifically requires reflective input. Stick to facts, observations, and data.

What is the ideal length of a report for Class 12?

For Class 12 CBSE exams, a report should be between 150-200 words. Ensure it is concise yet informative, covering all key points without unnecessary elaboration.

Should I write the report in the first person?

No, reports should typically be written in the third person (he, she, it, they). For example, instead of “I visited the camp,” write “The camp was visited by students.”

What are the common topics for report writing in Class 12?

Some common topics include:

  • School events (Annual Day, Sports Day, Science Fair).
  • Social awareness activities (Blood Donation Camp, Cleanliness Drive).
  • Incidents (Road Accident, Fire Outbreak).
  • Surveys or research topics (Pollution in Cities, Student Stress Levels).
  • Competitions (Debate Competition, Inter-School Sports Meet).

How do I conclude a report?

In the conclusion, summarize the main points of the report. If applicable, you can also include suggestions, outcomes, or the importance of the event or findings. Keep it brief and ensure it ties up the report effectively.

What should I avoid while writing a report?

Avoid the following:

  • Personal opinions or emotions.
  • Informal language or slang.
  • Repetition or exaggeration.
  • First-person and second-person pronouns.
  • Grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Overly long sentences or irrelevant details.

What is the difference between an article and a report?

A report is factual, formal, and often written for a specific audience to present information about an event, survey, or incident. An article, on the other hand, is usually more informal, may express personal opinions, and is written to engage or persuade readers on a topic of interest.

Can I use bullet points in a report?

While bullet points are not typically used in formal report writing for CBSE exams, they can be included if you are presenting a list of data or findings, but it’s best to check with the specific guidelines of your assignment or exam.

How should I proofread my report?


  • Review your report for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Ensure the information flows logically.
  • Check if the report adheres to the correct format.
  • Make sure the content is concise and to the point.
  • Confirm all relevant details (dates, names, facts) are accurate.